
Sabtu, 16 April 2011

A Japanese disaster on another day: A personal story

Watching Japan from afar and the slow-motion unfolding of one of the worst natural catastrophes of modern times, two things strike home.
I had the privilege of living and working in that ancient land for several years. There were things there to become accustomed to: I found it initially intrusive that upon registration as an alien resident local police came to the house to identify and photograph every occupant and map their bedroom. The polite explanation was in case of emergency, like the one the world is witnessing now.
Standing at a crosswalk with my family, I was initially offended at the regular strangers who felt free to touch the exotic blond hair of my children. Living packed among then about 120 million humans with black hair, they smiled back out of simple curiousity about this yellow stuff atop my sons' heads. The boys, in turn, took to wearing baseball caps -- for Japanese teams.
I was initially repulsed (and frankly still am) at the thought of Eskimo pie ice cream bars packed with beancurd. In Japan, Ronald McDonald is Donald McDonald, given their difficulty with the sound of English r's. Out in the yard at midnight on New Year's, you can hear the most beautiful symphony of somnolent gongs rolling out over every neighborhood as Buddhist monks slam giant logs into the massive bells at every temple.
In the darkness of a downtown movie theater buried in the third sub-basement of a skyscraper, a Japanese friend handed out bags of crunchy snacks. Who knew the movie munchies were squid chips?
The American movie as I recall was "Wilderness Family" about the....
... predictable adventures of four Californians who flee a crowded city to live free in the forest with bears and mountain lions. At one point the father warns the children the nearest neighbor is 25 miles away. On the screen came the Japanese subtitles quoting him as saying the nearest house was 40 kilometers distant.
What do you think was the Japanese audience reaction? They laughed uproariously. Forty meters, maybe. But 40 kilometers to the nearest neighbor in a California-sized nation with three times the population? You've gotta be kidding, right? On those islands you could pack several cities into that area.
Present a gift to someone and watch them courteously set it aside like nothing happened. To rip it open would not be sharing joy, but rudely checking its value. Be careful what you say as a guest. I casually admired a pear farmer's wooden carving of an eagle. Next day he gave it to me with great ceremony and calloused hands. His daughter stifled my protests with pleas not to insult his hospitality.Ten Yen Coin
One thing that struck me and maybe you too watching the awful news events unravel in Japan this week was what we didn't see: looting. Like any society, Japan has its graft and corruption. But stealing is rare, even packages in parked cars with open windows.
I was in an underground Osaka mall one afternoon with a young Japanese friend who wanted to use a pay phone. He fumbled in his pocket for a 10 yen coin (about three cents in those days) to initiate the call. Next to the bright red phone I spotted a 10 yen coin.
"There's one," I announced.
"It's not mine," he said. I'd bet you 100 yen right now that coin is still sitting by the phone, awaiting its original owner.
I saw up close back then Japanese endure the twin calamities of an earthquake and violent volcano in Hokkaido. Mile upon mile of rich farm countryside was covered with eight inches of pumice ash suffocating anything beneath.
Watching the latest quake victims interviewed by reporters, vivid memories of that previous disaster rushed back. I had come upon an old woman rummaging through wreckage. Yes, she said, nodding politely with each sentence. They had lost everything. The house used to be right here. Nothing left. And a daughter missing as well.
I had been overwhelmed that day, as I am again today, with the unimaginable scale of such cataclysm. Beyond even tornadoes. But then I became even more stunned by the response of those Japanese people, their strength and stoicism. No self-pity. No wailing, whining. No blaming government. No victimhood. No what-will-we-ever-do? In fact, the less they said, the stronger they seemed.
Then, the Japanese farm woman bowed deeply, mumbling something. Sorry, I asked, what did you say?
Turns out, the newly homeless woman was apologizing for being unable to serve me tea.
-- Andrew Malcolm

Minggu, 06 Februari 2011

Cyber Forensics

Many security teams have been caught unprepared by recent advances in targeted attacks. Multi‐stage,
multi‐vector campaigns now steal sensitive and classified data, access privileged accounts, and spy on
public sector organizations. This white paper explains the need for new security tactics and rapid
response technologies to counter these advanced persistent threats. Conclusions reached:
  1. Advanced persistent threats are a real and present danger to the public sector.
  2. Malicious adversaries are evolving increasingly stealthy techniques as they target the public sector and its private sector suppliers.
  3. Government agencies must implement forensics–grade technology in order to completely eradicate malware and minimize the attack surface of their sensitive data.

    Sabtu, 11 Desember 2010

    Setting pada smartphone

    Langkah-langkah untuk mengaktifkan JavaScript dan Cookies pada smartphone Anda adalah sebagai berikut:
    • Apple iPhone
      Masuk ke Settings, pilih Safari, kemudian pilihan “JavaScript” harus ON dan “Accept Cookies” dipilih From Visited/Always.
    • BlackBerry
      Masuk ke BlackBerry Browser, tekan tombol BlackBerry, pilih Options lalu masuk ke pilihan Browser Configuration, kemudian tick mark pilihan “Support JavaScript” dan “Allow JavaScript popups” lalu di-save.
    • Nokia E71
      Masuk ke Web (Nokia Browser), tekan tombol Options, lalu pilih Settings, kemudian pilih General, lalu pilihan “JAVA/ECMA Script” harus Enabled, kemudian tekan tombol back masuk ke pilihan Privacy kemudian pilihan “Cookies” harus di Allow.
    • Sony Ericsson Xperia X1
      Masuk ke Internet Explorer, pilih Menu, pilih Tools, kemudian pilih Options, lalu pada tab Security tick mark pilihan “Allow Cookies”.

    SOLUSI TERBAIK : Mou pke SmartPhone ato HP JADUL sekalipun GAK MASALAH! SEMUA BISA!! yg PENTING! hpnya sdh bisa akses internet (gprs,edge,3g, ato HSDPA) semua bisa aja.

    LEBIH BAIK! klo hpnya belum ada aplikasi web browser OPERA MINI versi mobile phone. Download aja dulu aplikasi software opera mini di situsnya,

    tunggu ampe selesai donlotnya. klo da tinggal pke dech....

    di browser operamini nya ketik So...LOGIN dech...

    Klo belum pnya KeyBCA paling qta @#$% cek saldo ato mutasi rekening aja tuch....pokoke semua transaksi non finansial aja...

    klo mou lebih bisa transfer dana segala KUDU hrs pnya KeyBCA semacam PIN gitu dech...dptnya dr pihak BCA.

    Sebaiknya biar GAK NYESEL lama ngantri tp tuch brg gk ada. Baiknya jgn langsung ngantri, tanya aja dulu...Maaf, sy BUTUH KeyBCA, ada? klo dah dijawab ADA. Silahkan, Bpk/Mas/Mba/Ibu ngantri! Baru dech ikutan itupun klo ada antrian loh.... :)

    Klo dah pnya KeyBCA baru kita login lg ke baru dech bisa transaksi kirim2...setelah msukin PIN KeyBCA nya loh....

    SARAN : untuk pertama kali pakai, sebaiknya TIDAK langsung di hp dulu. Mengingat layarnya yg imut2. Sebaiknya COBA2 aja dulu langsung di monitor gede alias koneksi internet biasa dirumah/warnet. Klo dah sukses baru dech pke cara so mobile...

    KlikBCA versi Smartphone: Transaksi e-Commerce Semakin Mudah

    Transaksi perbankan semakin mudah dan praktis dengan adanya inovasi dari PT Bank Central Asia Tbk yang meluncurkan layanan KlikBCA versi smartphone. Layanan transaksi berbasis Internet ini dapat dimanfaatkan untuk transaksi finansial maupun nonfinansial selama 24 jam dengan menggunakan smartphone. Uniknya, tampilan layanan KlikBCA versi smartphone ini dirancang lebih simple dan fit dengan layar smartphone sehingga memudahkan penggunanya untuk bertransaksi perbankan.

    Tahap awal layanan KlikBCA versi smartphone ini baru dapat digunakan pada Apple iPhone, BlackBerry, Nokia E71, dan Sony Ericsson Xperia X1. Untuk menikmati kemudahan KlikBCA versi smartphone, pastikan smartphone tersebut telah dapat melakukan browsing. Selain itu nasabah perlu melakukan setting browser di smartphone dengan mengaktifkan pilihan JavaScript dan Cookies.

    Meski tampilannya lebih simple dibanding tampilan di laptop atau PC, menu transaksi yang tersedia cukup lengkap. Ada menu Pembelian, Pembayaran, Transfer Dana, Informasi Rekening, Administrasi, juga termasuk menu Pembayaran e-Commerce. Dalam menu Pembayaran e-Commerce terdapat beberapa kategori pembayaran seperti Elektronik, Market Place, Pendidikan, Penerbangan, Tour/Travel/Hotel, dan lainnya. Melalui fitur transaksi tersebut, nasabah dapat melakukan pembayaran atas belanja online di website merchant yang telah bekerjasama dengan BCA seperti tiket pesawat hingga paket tour & travel. Asyik kan?

    Bertransaksi melalui menu Pembayaran e-Commerce ini sangat mudah dilakukan. Sebagai contoh, bila nasabah ingin membeli dan membayar tiket pesawat terbang maskapai AirAsia, maka nasabah tersebut dapat mengakses ke Melalui website tersebut, nasabah dapat melakukan booking tiket sesuai tujuan perjalanan yang diinginkan dan memilih metode pembayaran yakni dengan KlikBCA. Kemudian nasabah akan diminta memasukkan User ID KlikBCA-nya. Langkah selanjutnya, nasabah dapat mengakses KlikBCA versi smartphone. Cukup kunjungi situs melalui smartphone Anda atau langsung mengakses ke dimana Anda akan langsung mendapat layar login KlikBCA.

    Setelah melakukan login, yakni memasukkan User ID KlikBCA diikuti dengan PIN, nasabah dapat memilih menu “Pembayaran e-Commerce” dan lakukan pembayaran atas booking tiket yang telah dilakukan sebelumnya. Pada saat melakukan transaksi ini, nasabah memerlukan otorisasi dengan menggunakan KeyBCA. Setelah pembayaran dilakukan, maka saldo rekening BCA nasabah secara otomatis akan berkurang sesuai dengan nilai transaksi yang telah dilakukan.

    Nasabah akan menerima email pemberitahuan atau notifikasi transaksi yang telah dilakukannya. Lalu nasabah dapat akses kembali ke website AirAsia untuk mencetak e-ticketnya. Dengan e-ticket ini nasabah dapat langsung check-in di bandara.

    Langkah-langkah serupa (kecuali situs maskapai bersangkutan) juga berlaku untuk pembelian dan pembayaran tiket pesawat terbang maskapai Batavia Air, Citilink, Merpati Airlines, Lion Air, dan Sriwijaya Air. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silakan hubungi Halo BCA di 500888 atau (021) 500888 via ponsel atau kunjungi website

    Senin, 11 Oktober 2010

    Your Uninstaller Pro v.7.0.2010.8

    Your Uninstaller Pro v.7.0.2010.7 . Versi terbaru ini mempunyai tampilan yang jauh berbeda dengan versi sebelumnya, pada YU 2010 ini memiliki tampilan yang sangat menarik dan user friendly. YU versi terbaru ini sudah dapat digunakan pada windows 7,jadi bagi anda pengguna windows 7 dapat ikut mencoba software ini. Selain itu ada fitur yang menarik yaitu "Hunter Mode", fitur ini memungkinkan anda untuk meng-uninstall sebuah program hanya dengan men-drag atau juga memilih pada icon - icon yang terdapat pada desktop anda. Masih banyak lagi fitur - fitur baru pada YU ini, untuk membaca lengkapnya silakan anda Klik Disini Fitur - fitur tesebut juga langsung dapat terlihat pada menu utamanya, silakan anda coba dan explore sendiri. Untuk penginstalannya tidak ada yang berbeda, begitu juga pada saat memasukan key-nya.
